Posts Tagged With: Movies

Last Day of School & Weekend

Hello world, Friday was the last day of the last week of the last month of the last year of my public school career. It was wonderful yet sad at the same time, especially because most of my friends are staying in town and I am going out of state. I will really miss my friends but I am also excited to start fresh next year at college. On Friday after getting my cap and gown I decided not to go home and stayed the whole day even though it was encouraged for us to leave. I said goodbye to all of my teachers. Saying goodbye to my teachers was the most difficult and tear wrenching because they were my mentors this year. (7人先生:ありがとうございます。)


After school, we had a Koream club meeting where we had an epic cake fight.

Then after that, we went to the 2 dollar theatre and watched mirror mirror. My favorite part was the ending when they did a pseudo Bollywood scene where everybody danced.


On Saturday I learned how to play with my new iPhone app called smilephoto. This is how my pictures turned out:



Then, today I went to see my baby cousins and I got a few pretty good shots of them.



I hope you all enjoyed~

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31 Day Blog Challenge~Day Two

Alrighty, Day 2 ~ Your Favorite Movie. Hmm…My ultimate all time favorite movie is the Harry Potter Series!

I know that that is actually eight movies, but I just love all of them because they are classics and you just can’t help how good they are. Although my favorite, favorite is the last one, which is the Deathly Hallows Part 2. You know why? Because it is the ultimate ending. The editing and effects were ridiculous, in a good way. It’s exactly how I wanted the movie to end after reading all the books. Here is one of the awesome  trailers:

A movie that I have most recently watched was the new Sherlock Holmes movie. It was awesome and hilarious. I just love the time period in general. Plus I love how witty the character Holmes is. And I think Robert Downey Jr. is a great actor. He is so versatile. Watch this trailer and tell me I’m wrong.

Well, now that my favorite movies have been revealed I shall post more later. I hope you guys enjoyed 🙂


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