Last Day of School & Weekend

Hello world, Friday was the last day of the last week of the last month of the last year of my public school career. It was wonderful yet sad at the same time, especially because most of my friends are staying in town and I am going out of state. I will really miss my friends but I am also excited to start fresh next year at college. On Friday after getting my cap and gown I decided not to go home and stayed the whole day even though it was encouraged for us to leave. I said goodbye to all of my teachers. Saying goodbye to my teachers was the most difficult and tear wrenching because they were my mentors this year. (7人先生:ありがとうございます。)


After school, we had a Koream club meeting where we had an epic cake fight.

Then after that, we went to the 2 dollar theatre and watched mirror mirror. My favorite part was the ending when they did a pseudo Bollywood scene where everybody danced.


On Saturday I learned how to play with my new iPhone app called smilephoto. This is how my pictures turned out:



Then, today I went to see my baby cousins and I got a few pretty good shots of them.



I hope you all enjoyed~

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Two Days Left.

Hello world, today marks the second day of the last week of High school for me. Ridiculous isn’t it? Today as drove into the school parking lot i saw that our school trees had been T-Ped. It was quite interesting. Also today I finished 2 projects. Tomorrow I’m pretty much FREE!! Here are some pictures from today:



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Three Days Left.

Hello world. Today marks the first day of the last week of high school for me. Can you believe it? Today was amazing. We took a walking field trip to a local icecream shop and after school I hung out with the Japanese music singing group at my school, Kisetsu.

I also finally finished watching the movie: Shakespeare In Love




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Memorial Day

Hello world! Today is memorial day and my sisters and I decided to go shopping today. Because today is it one of those huge holidays like Christmas we thought the thrift stores would have awesome discounts. And of course we were right. There was a 50% off the entire purchase at our local thrift store. Here is a picture of the chaos:

Also, after that we went shopping at various other places. Here are some photos that I took through out my day.




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Sprinter Every Day Makeup

Hello guys, so I most recently posted a video on my youtube channel:  MathTeamCaptain about my everyday makeup that I have been wearing a lot recently. I decided to call it Sprinter standing for Winter and Spring because I suspect as the seasons change my everyday makeup will also change. Please check it out and tell me how it goes:)

And if you have not seen my other most recent, but not very recent video it is below for your convenience.

I hope you guys enjoy:)

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Recent Photos

These are just recent photos of me. Enjoy?


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30 Day Blog Challenge~Day Six

Well I have finally gotten to day six, which is: A photo of an animal you’d keep as a pet.

This dog is the cutest dog ever. His name is boo and he is very famous. He even has a Facebook page (, which means he is definitely cool in the web neighborhood. He is so cute and I’m sure that many people would want to take him home with them, me being one of them. I think he is a pomeranian, but just has an awesome haircut. It’s probably very expensive to get his hair cut in that particular cut unless his owners are dog groomers. But yes this is the photo of the animal I would like to take home if I could. However, I’m not very good with pets so maybe I would take him home for a couple hours just to babysit. Alrighty well I hope you guys have enjoyed this post:)

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Alrighty, here are the things I have been doing for the past maybe three weeks. Let’s see. At my high school we had our spirit week. Monday was Safari Day, Tuesday was Generation Day, Wednesday was Decade Day, Thursday was Twin/Stuffed Animal/ Crazy Hair/ Pajama Day, and Friday was of course Class Color Day. Here are some pictures of my outfits for most of the week except Monday:

As you can see because I’m a senior this year I decided to go all out for my last spirit week. We actually customized our sweaters as you can probably tell by the word, “PI” in the lower right hand corner of my sweater. I also wrote 2012 in roman numerals (MMXII) instead of the actual numbers. I also happened to be attending the dance that Friday night because my math team was selling drinks to fund raise money.

As you can see from the picture above we were selling drinks and I happened to be wearing a neon greenish yellow dress from Charlotte Russe and my Missoni for Target suede heels.

We also went on an IB English field trip to the local Science Museum and a bowling alley to celebrate the ending of our individual oral commentaries. I happened to be having a lot of fun, so I actually forgot to take pictures. However, I did get one photo of my friends and I in the computer lab after school.

I also had a Valentines Day Party at school with some of my friends. It felt like elementary school all over again!

We also had our last two math meets, but I only have pictures from the second to last meet for now. I will be posting up more pictures when they get uploaded by our coach!

And lastly, this past Friday I was invited as an IB Diploma Candidate to present on one of my CAS projects at the winter IB Coordinator Meeting. It was pretty nerve wracking because I did not know my friend and I were going to be the only students there. But I had fun and met a lot of cool IB people.

Well that is my update for now. I did also purchase my prom dress and possibly my shoes, but I have decided not to post that until later because I still have to tweak the dress a little. Well I hope you enjoyed my update:)

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January Haul and Updates!

Well guys it’s that time of the month again. This is my collective haul. If you guys have any questions about my purchases just ask. But first a quick update. I have been looking for a prom dress recently, so the other day I went to the mall. I didn’t really find anything I liked because my heart is set on a vintage dress, but I did find this dress. It’s pretty much my style I just really want a vintage dress.

Ill update my prom dress search as I find more dresses. At the mall I also happened to buy a yummy Grande Mocha Frappuccino at Starbucks.

Anyways these are the items I bought this past month:

Emerald Blazer – Forever 21

Burnt Orange Faux-Corduroy Blazer – Forever 21

Black Round Collared Blazer – H&M

Coral Print Top – Forever 21

Cream Bow Tie Blouse – Heartbreaker

Black Shorts – H&M

Peach Dress – H&M

Cobalt Blouse – Forever 21

Black and White Vest – Love Culture

Brown Cardigan – Love Culture

Pink Heart Sweater – Target

Pink and Grey Cheetath Print PJ’s – Target

Neon Green Satchel – Target

Peachy Pink Purse – Love Culture



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30 Day Blog Challenge ~ Day Five

Day 5 ~ How important do you think education is?

Hmm…I personally think education is very important. It might not be the only important thing, but it is definitely up their for me. Education is a must especially right now that I’m a senior in High School. I think that you need to have education to get somewhere unless you are really really lucky. However, going to school just because you have to go is also not good. I think that also having the drive to gain an education is important. With out the drive then their is not point learning new things. I also think that social skills are also very important. You might not learn it when you are younger, but being able to network is very important. I personally have very little social skills so I have been struggling to learn how. I’m hoping this will help me in the future when I go to college, hopefully on campus. I think that being likable and being able to talk to people is important. Because education is only half of it. This might be pessimistic, but I think it is true unless you are very very lucky. I also think that being resourceful is important. This kind of goes with education when you think of research however being resourceful can just be asking google something when no one else knows the answer. I’ve always wondered if you could get a well rounded education off wikipedia? Do you think so? Well those are my thoughts for today. I hope you guys enjoy:)

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