
Memorial Day

Hello world! Today is memorial day and my sisters and I decided to go shopping today. Because today is it one of those huge holidays like Christmas we thought the thrift stores would have awesome discounts. And of course we were right. There was a 50% off the entire purchase at our local thrift store. Here is a picture of the chaos:

Also, after that we went shopping at various other places. Here are some photos that I took through out my day.




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Sprinter Every Day Makeup

Hello guys, so I most recently posted a video on my youtube channel:  MathTeamCaptain about my everyday makeup that I have been wearing a lot recently. I decided to call it Sprinter standing for Winter and Spring because I suspect as the seasons change my everyday makeup will also change. Please check it out and tell me how it goes:)

And if you have not seen my other most recent, but not very recent video it is below for your convenience.

I hope you guys enjoy:)

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January Haul and Updates!

Well guys it’s that time of the month again. This is my collective haul. If you guys have any questions about my purchases just ask. But first a quick update. I have been looking for a prom dress recently, so the other day I went to the mall. I didn’t really find anything I liked because my heart is set on a vintage dress, but I did find this dress. It’s pretty much my style I just really want a vintage dress.

Ill update my prom dress search as I find more dresses. At the mall I also happened to buy a yummy Grande Mocha Frappuccino at Starbucks.

Anyways these are the items I bought this past month:

Emerald Blazer – Forever 21

Burnt Orange Faux-Corduroy Blazer – Forever 21

Black Round Collared Blazer – H&M

Coral Print Top – Forever 21

Cream Bow Tie Blouse – Heartbreaker

Black Shorts – H&M

Peach Dress – H&M

Cobalt Blouse – Forever 21

Black and White Vest – Love Culture

Brown Cardigan – Love Culture

Pink Heart Sweater – Target

Pink and Grey Cheetath Print PJ’s – Target

Neon Green Satchel – Target

Peachy Pink Purse – Love Culture



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Alrighty. Post number one. This is my post on shoes that I have which kinda sorta fits into “must have shoes a person should own” categories. So lets begin.

First, the simple black pumps. Mine aren’t really simple, but they are my style. Hopefully as you read through this post you can kind of begin to get a sense of my fashion style. Anyways, I have the Missoni Black Suede pumps from their target line as my staple black pumps.

What I love about these shoes are the simple brown and cream zig zag on the front of the shoe. I also like the faux wood heel. These shoes may not be that comfortable, but for the style the pain is bearable. Hey, no pain no gain.

Secondly, the staple nude shoe. Mine are nude, not as simple as they should be.

These shoes are so adorable. I bought them from Marshalls during the summer time. Although the wedge makes them summer shoes I still can find places to wear these shoes during fall and spring. And as you can see they aren’t really simple nude pumps. Oh well…I like them.

Next, are the simple flats. I guess you could say mine are simple. But my second pair of flats are most definitely not simple.

These are from H&M and were about $13. I really like how flexible the back is because it makes the shoes very comfortable.

This sassy pair I purchased from Herbergers a while back. They are uber shiny and good for a bland matte outfit. These are my favorites although after awhile they do begin to get uncomfortable.

Now, for the ankle boot staple. I’ve got two pairs. Although these two pairs are not the normal stereotypical black booties.

These I purchased from H&M a year ago. I love the versatility of these shoes because they can be worn folded and unfolded. At first when I bought these shoes I did not notice that I could unfold the top part so I went half a year wearing them only one way. But now I find I like them to be unfolded more often.

These I also purchased from H&M. They are currently my favorite because I love the color. The color is just almost a neutral that I love to play with the color clothing I wear with the shoes. Comfortable wise I do not know yet because I am still trying to break them in. Its going to be beauty over pain for a while.

Next, are the cowboy boots. This time my boots literally look like normal cowboy boots. I admit I had a phase.

These boots I bought from a store called, Heart breaker. I like them because they look like actual cowboy boots, but I do not like that the wooden soles are so slippery. I really have to be careful if I wear these.

And lastly, normal leather boots.

These are my true staple boots. They are not tall boots because I happen to have large calves, but they work for me. I literally wear these with everything especially when I go to school. I also have the same exact pair in a dark mustard color. Oh yes and these were purchased from Charlotte Russe.

Well, If you have actually read this far then thank you for being such a great reader. By now I hope you kind of have a feel for my style and hopefully soon I will be posting more.

P.S. If you also follow my youtube channel I will probably be posting here than uploading there because I am currently having difficulty uploading videos onto youtube. So, for now blogging it is. I hope you guys enjoyed this post:)

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