Monthly Archives: May 2012

Two Days Left.

Hello world, today marks the second day of the last week of High school for me. Ridiculous isn’t it? Today as drove into the school parking lot i saw that our school trees had been T-Ped. It was quite interesting. Also today I finished 2 projects. Tomorrow I’m pretty much FREE!! Here are some pictures from today:



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Three Days Left.

Hello world. Today marks the first day of the last week of high school for me. Can you believe it? Today was amazing. We took a walking field trip to a local icecream shop and after school I hung out with the Japanese music singing group at my school, Kisetsu.

I also finally finished watching the movie: Shakespeare In Love




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Memorial Day

Hello world! Today is memorial day and my sisters and I decided to go shopping today. Because today is it one of those huge holidays like Christmas we thought the thrift stores would have awesome discounts. And of course we were right. There was a 50% off the entire purchase at our local thrift store. Here is a picture of the chaos:

Also, after that we went shopping at various other places. Here are some photos that I took through out my day.




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